Do you ever find that you have a tough time saying what you are thinking on your sales calls? If so, you are not alone. Many coaches struggle with a fear of being rude on their sales calls and end up keeping quiet instead. This is one of the quickest ways to sabotage your sales calls. In this episode, Mariel helps you understand why it is essential to boldly speak the truth to prospective clients and gives you some tips for how to make this easier.
It is important to remember that when people hire a coach, they are looking for someone who will be honest with them. As a coach, you are helping your prospective clients to see the subconscious pattern of sabotage that is keeping them stuck and this can only be done if you have the courage to speak the truth to people. Doing this will help your potential clients have amazing breakthroughs on your sales calls and it will significantly increase your enrollment rates as well.
“When you don’t say what you are thinking on your sales calls, you are doing yourself
and your potential client a massive disservice.”
– Mariel Diaz
If you would like to learn how to boldly speak the truth on your sales calls so you can make more sales, book your free breakthrough call here: